Project Liber8 [liberate] is an anti-human trafficking awareness campaign which is organized by Onyx Charity Association of Selangor (Purple Cow) [PPM-014-10-15062012].

Being a project that is ran by youths, Project Liber8 aims to engage with the youths and young people of society with the hopes of getting our generation to be more active in the fight against human trafficking. In doing so, Project Liber8 works towards raising awareness about the acts of human trafficking, as well as bringing the rights of the victims involved to light.


Project Liber8 presents to you Neon Night Run! Save the date as this night run will be held on the 29th of March 2014. This run aims to promote awareness to public on human trafficking through an a fun run. So gear up with all your neon accessories because you are in it for some fun! By the end of the run, there will be a laser and blacklight DJ set showcasing footage of human trafficking as well, so be ready to have some real fun with Project Liber8!

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